Live, Love and Let Go:

A Doctor’s Insightful Approach to Living and Dying

Dr. James K. Abshire

Evergreen Press


Dear Viewer,

My project for the last 7 years has been working on an approach to death and dying in an attempt to help patients and their families in ways that I just could not accomplish in an office visit.

My experience includes not only 25 years of clinical experience, but I have also buried both parents from cancer, been a burn ward patient, and halfway into the project I received my own terminal diagnosis of non-Hodgkins lymphoma. To this end, I have written a book entitled: Live, Love, and Let Go: A Doctor’s Insightful Approach to Living and Dying.


Continue reading my welcome letter
Dr. James K. Abshire

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Click on any book cover to learn more.


what are people saying?

“I read parts of this insightful, inspirational and joyful book while I recently visited my family in Sacramento. It’s message is the true essence of Christian living. Thank you Dr. Abshire and God bless you.”

—Diane Jouganatos Cook

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About Me!

An independent physician, which means we are able to cross hospital service boundaries and send our patients for testing, referrals or services that are in the best interests of our patients.


Dr. James Abshire worked his way through school flipping hamburgers, tossing pizzas and selling vacuum cleaners door-to door. With money tight, he has experienced having to collect cans to be able to eat.


James received his B.S. in Chemistry and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University, his M.D. from Southwestern Medical School and completed his residency at U.C. Davis. James is a board certified internal medicine physician practicing with the Mercy Medical Group in Sacramento for over the last 22 years.


He has seen patients struggle with death – either their own or that of a loved one, and felt the need to assist them in ways that can’t be done with an office visit.

more about me

~ James K. Absire, MD

what are people saying?

“Thank you for being my doctor for 20 years and for now inspiring us with this great book as you approach your own challenges. YOU are a miracle.”

—Bill Stokes


Press Release!

Sacramento CA - Dr. Abshire is a first-rate internal medicine doctor practicing at Mercy Medical group for over 25 years and the author of the thought provoking book “Live, Love, and Let Go: A Doctor’s Insightful Approach to Living and Dying.”

Dr. Abshire’s own harrowing life experience all inspired him to write this book. Both his parents were hospice patients so he experienced first- hand the tragedy of loss. In 2004, a propane explosion set his arms, face, and head on fire and knocked out a disc in his neck causing excruciating and debilitating pain. Then in 2010, he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and underwent chemotherapy where he’s now currently in remission and doing well.


“This book is a proactive approach to end of life issues and the underlying theme prevalent in my book is attitude, focus, and perspective,”, says Dr. Abshire. “Keeping a positive attitude, focusing on your faith, and viewing problems with a more positive perspective will help tremendously on how you deal with all life issues.”

Dr. Abshire’s book is faith based because it’s essential to have some sort of higher belief system. It’s certainly challenging to make sense of anything and he steadfastly believes you have to use your faith to survive tough times.

“God exists and Heaven and eternity is a long time,” explains Dr. Abshire. “So whatever time we are suffering here on earth from this eternal perspective is trivial compared to the eternity and magnificence of being in Heaven.”

Dr. Abshire strongly suggests if you fear the afterlife then strengthen your faith and this will brighten your outlook and fully diminish your anxiety.

Media & Events

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Interview:   host jim masters

Today's Discussion: A book that was written to help people comprehend, and ultimately embrace dealing with end-of-life issues. Addressing hospice care, pain, suffering, fear-of-death, while sharing his own experiences and insight.



My power point presentations run 20-40 minutes discussing how to deal with the fear of death and present a thought process which relies on keeping a positive attitude, a continued focus on faith, and looking at problems in proper perspective.


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If you look at life from a past perspective and a future perspective it can really help out, I think a lot of times we don't consider that and I mention how our ancestors didn't have modern medicineM


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